
Peewee Football


11 to 12 years old, not turning 13 in the calendar year. Open to all genders!


Flag Football

As part of a Spring League, players new and old will be introduced to the sport of Flag Football.This is a great way for athletes to stay active, healthy, learn football skills, and improve their football knowledge! By playing on a smaller field in a 5 a-side format, players will get more opportunity to touch the ball and be involved in the play.

Gameplay: 5-a-side football on a modified field. 

Season: Spring


Tackle Football

9-a-side football will allow for a more gradual progression to 12 a-side football at Bantam, moving up from up 6 a-side at Atom. All players will learn safe contact and fundamentals, while continuing to focus on skill development and teamwork. Skill development at this level may become more position specific. 

Gameplay: 9-a-side football on a modified field.


Season: Fall. Practices will begin in the spring and/or August.

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